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Woodworking Plans Overview

The fast, free and easy method to your next woodworking project!

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Inside the member’s area you`ll gain instant access to over 150 highly detailed woodworking projects, designs & e-books.

The detailed step-by-step instructions will save you so much time.

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With this free membership you will save your hard earned money. You will receive so many different woodworking projects that you don't need to buy a single expensive woodworking magazine or book in the future! You'll have all you need in one place - for free.

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All free woodworking project plans contain highly detailed images and step-by-step instructions. With the including cutting lists & material lists you leave out the guess work and simply start right away with your next woodworking project!

That's Mike

About Me, Mike Petterson, Passionate Woodworker

Since you've landed on my website we probably have one thing in common - Woodworking. If you're like me, then you probably have spent so much time and even much more money on expensive woodworking books, magazines and other stuff you probably don't need anymore.

Since I started with my first woodworking project, which was something like 23 years ago, I purchased uncountable woodworking magazines, books and CDs. Most of them were complete garbage and I could've thrown away my money as well..

But what if you could skip this whole part? What if you could find a source of detailed woodworking plans and never worry about where to get your next plan from? And what if all these plans would be for free?

Pay close attention, as I am about to make your life a lot easier. You're about to receive over 100 highly detailed woodworking patterns with step-by-step instructions.


Woodworking Project Plans
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Simply enter your name & email below. You will receive your free login credentials to my membership area immediately to your email inbox. Happy Woodworking!

Please remember: I will never share your private details with anybody! Your emailadress is 100% safe.



  • Free Woodworking Project Plans

    Receive a huge database of over 150 free woodworking project designs, e-books & articles with detailed images, materials lists & cutting lists.

  • Amazing Books & Articles

    Receive amazing e-books that answer all you woodworking related questions that you ever had. Simply browser through the extensive database and find a solution for nearly every problem.

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  • Access 24/7

    The collection is available online at any given time. You can access the woodworking plans, books & articles whenever you like, even if it’s 3AM.

  • Very easy to follow

    Most of the plans are designed that even a beginner can follow the plans. The books & articles will help you to answer your basic & advanced questions related to your woodworking projects.

  • Print all your favorite plans

    All plans come in a .PDF file format. That way you can easily print every woodworking plan, article or e-book.


Traditional Bookcase DownloadWonder how the quality of my free collection is? I have included a sample download here.

Go ahead and download a full & very detailed woodworking project plan of a traditional bookcase! See for yourself how great these woodworking designs look like.

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That way I can send your free membership details to your inbox.

Your details are 100% save and will never be shared with anyone!

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Get Free Access To Over 150 Highly Detailed Woodworking Projects Now!

Simply enter your name & email below. You will receive your free login credentials to my membership area immediately to your email inbox. Happy Woodworking!

Please remember: I will never share your private details with anybody! Your emailadress is 100% safe.


Since you've landed on my website we probably have one thing in common - Woodworking. If you're like me, then you probably have spent so much time and even much more money on expensive woodworking books, magazines and other stuff you probably don't need anymore.

Since I started with my first woodworking project, which was something like 43 years ago, I purchased uncountable woodworking magazines, books and CDs. Most of them were complete garbage and I could've thrown away my money as well..

But what if you could skip this whole part? What if you could find a source of detailed woodworking plans and never worry about where to get your next plan from? And what if all these plans would be for free?

Pay close attention, as I am about to make your life a lot easier. You're about to receive over 150 highly detailed woodworking patterns with step-by-step instructions.


Full Collection
  • 16,000 Woodworking Project Plans
  • Highly Detailed Images
  • Very Easy To Follow
  • Never Waste Time Or Money
  • No Hidden Fees Or Charges
  • Full Range Of Projects
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Bonus #1: Amazing CAD Software
  • Bonus #2: Over 150 Woodworking Videos
  • Bonus #3: How To Start Your Own Woodworking Business
Find Out More Here

Complete your next woodworking projects without any problems!

You're probably sitting right now in front of your computer and dreaming about your next project. Here's what's waiting for you inside the free membership area. This will certainly skyrocket your productivity & efficiency.

Please remember, if you choose the free 150 package, you will have absolutely no risk. I don't ask for your credit card or any other sensitive details. All I need is your name & emailadress in order to send your free package to your email inbox. That's it!


More Woodworking Projects


These are the 4 main types of carving wood

Whittling: This style of carving wood is perhaps one of the oldest and simplest. All you need to get started with this woodcarving style is a good quality carving knife and a piece of wood. In this technique, bits of wood are cut away from a block of wood until the design the carver has in mind, takes shape. Most of the accomplished wood carvers who use this technique, use only the carving knife for both roughing and detailing work. Typically, the design is not smoothened using a sand paper; the knife strokes are noticeably visible and those are what characterizes the final piece.

Carving-in-the-round: This is a more advanced form of woodcarving that can produce sculptures and structures, which are more lifelike with more details and smoother texture. The carving knife alone cannot accomplish the task. Therefore, for this technique of carving wood, the carver needs to make use of tools of various shapes and sizes. Such tools include hand tools like gouges, chisels, etc., and even power tools with various types of blades, burs, abrasive points, etc.

Relief Carving: Relief carved woodwork is three dimensional. It can be described as a form of woodwork that chips away bits of wood from a flat stock, such that the carving appears to be rising out of the wood. Typically, carving knife, chisel and hammer are used in this technique of carving wood. However, many carvers also employ power tools to quicken the process of removing unwanted materials from the wood. Depending on how raised is the carving from the back of the wood, it can be categorized as ‘high relief’ or ‘low relief’.

Chip Carving: In this method of carving wood, selected portions of wood are chipped away to give shape to a particular design. Theoretically speaking, in chip carving there are only two levels on the wood, one is the wood surface and the other is the point where the cut meets. Free form patterns or geometric shapes can be carved through this technique. Even this this style of carving wood, is one of the simplest, but it needs considerable time and patience to master it.

Happy Woodworking!

P.S. That's basically it! I've told you everything about my life as a woodworker and what I do. Remember that you will have always free access to my membership site. You will never be billed a penny, heck I even don't ask for your credit card details.

P.P.S. However if you feel like this package is too small, you have always the option to testdrive the complete collection with over 16,000 woodworking projects and a boat load of bonuses!


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Get Free Access To Over 150 Highly Detailed Woodworking Projects Now!

Simply enter your name & email below. You will receive your free login credentials to my membership area immediately to your email inbox. Happy Woodworking!

Please remember: I will never share your private details with anybody! Your emailadress is 100% safe.



  • Q.How can I download your 150 free woodworking plans?

    A.It`s very easy! You simply need a free membership with my blog. All you have to do is to sign up for a free account and you will receive instant access to the password protected area. There you will find much more than just 150 free woodworking patterns & e-books!

  • Q.I haven't received any membership details?

    A.Most of the time the email takes 10-15 minutes to arrive. If you`ve waited much longer than this, you will need to check the spam filter of your email account. Sometimes email providers put my emails into the “spam” box for no reason. There you should make sure to put my domain “” as a “safe” emailadress in your filters.

  • Q.What happens to my private details once I sign up to a free account?

    A.Your details will never ever be shared with any 3rd party! Your private details are stored on a secure server and cannot be “hacked” or stolen. Once in a while you will receive free newsletters to your email inbox from me, however you can always unsubscribe from these free emails.

  • Q.How can I open your free woodworking plans?

    A.You will notice that almost all files are in a “.PDF” format. For these files you will need a free software, a so called “PDF viewer” to open and view the woodworking plans. Most computers have already installed such a software. If not, you can simply download the software from here:Adobe Acrobat Reader


  • Q.How can I request a specifing woodworking plan?

    A.As you may imagine, I receive dozens of emails every single day. Many of them ask for specific woodworking plans. It would take several hours to search & deliver a specific woodworking plan to every interested woodworkers. However I am sure that in my free 150 woodworking plans, you will find the right project plan for your needs!

  • Q.Why do you give away free woodworking plans? What's the catch?

    A.Actually there isn`t any catch at all. I spent hundreds of hours and even more dollars to build a nice collection with detailed woodworking project plans. Why should I keep them to myself? Why shouldn`t other woodworkers like you benefit from that. That`s why I decided to give them away to all interested people.

    What`s in it for me? Once in a while you will receive promotional emails from me where I recommend fellow woodworking partners and friends. With these emails I earn a few dollars that help me to make a good living. Nevertheless you can always unsubscribe from my free mailings and still keep my free woodworking plans. So there`s not real catch at all for you!